How to Convert Word to PDF

Use the app's print options to convert your work

What to Know

  • Word Print menu: Select File > Print. Choose Microsoft Print to PDF > Print. Assign a name and choose a location. Choose Print.
  • Word Save as: Select File > Print. Assign a name and location. Select the File Format drop-down arrow and choose PDF. Select Save.
  • Word Export: Go to File and select Export > Create PDF/XPS Document > Create PDF/XPS Document. Add a name. Select Publish.

This article explains how to convert a Word document to the PDF format using three methods: the Word Print menu, Save as option, and Export option. Instructions in this article apply to Word for Microsoft 365, Word Online, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010.

Use the Print Menu to Make a PDF

Portable Document Format, or PDF, is an easy way to preserve the formatting of your work and share it with others. It's a widely used format in the professional world. Here's how to convert a Word document to PDF format using the Print dialog box.

  1. Select File > Print.

    Print command in Word
  2. Select the Printer drop-down arrow and choose Microsoft Print to PDF.

    Print screen in Word with the Microsoft Word to PDF button highlighted
  3. Change the settings as needed. For example, you could choose to convert individual pages into a PDF instead of the whole document.

  4. Select the Print button.

    Print button in Word
  5. Give the PDF a name and enter the location where you want to save it. Then select Save.

Use the Save as Option to Export a PDF

You can export your Word file as a PDF using the Save As function.

  1. Select File > Save As.

    Save As command in Word
  2. Give the PDF a name and enter the location where you want to save the PDF file.

  3. Select the File Format drop-down arrow and choose PDF.

    File Format menu in Word with PDF highlighted
  4. Select Save.

    Save As menu in Word with the Save button highlighted

Use the Export Option to Create a PDF

Create a PDF file of your Word document using the Export feature.

  1. Go to the File tab and select Export.

    Export option in Word's File menu
  2. Select Create PDF/XPS Document.

  3. Select the Create PDF/XPS Document button.

    Export screen in Word with the Create PDF button highlighted
  4. Give the PDF file a name, choose what location to save it at, and select Publish.

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